Turtle Bits

Turtle Bits is a collaborative programming site for drawing art, playing music, and creating games. Turtlebits is also a place to experiment with mathematical functions, geometry, graphing, webpages, simulations, and algorithms. Programs are open for all to see and copy.

The main language is Coffeescript. Professional software engineers use Coffeescript to build complex websites, but Coffeescript code can also be very simple. Play three notes:

play 'CDE'

Draw a gold star:

pen gold
for x in [1..5]
  fd 100
  rt 144

Programs preload the turtlebits library to use functions such as pen (sets the turtle's pen color), fd (moves the turtle forward), and play (plays musical notes). Once you set up an account on turtlebits.net you can also create a website with .html, .js, and .css files. Hang out on the TurtleBits discussion forum or check out the online guide to find out more.

Anybody can save programs here. Some ground rules:

Be nice. Do not mess up other peoples' work. This a learning space that is not locked down (for example, passwords are optional). So feel free to explore, but also please be considerate.

Be careful. Do not depend on turtlebits to keep your data safe. Everything posted is public, and nothing is backed up. Password keys reduce accidental interference but not malice.

Turtle Bits

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A Modern Sandbox
For Little Programs

Try the new, faster site: Pencil Code.